Scholarship Application Opens January 22nd through June 9th, 2024
for 2024-2025 Academic Year
Scholarship Program Guidelines
Scholarship Program Guidelines

To apply for any Dougherty Foundation scholarship, please complete the general application at the link below. You will be required to submit a recent transcript and your Student Aid Report from the FAFSA completed this year.
Students seeking renewal must complete the online renewal application and will be approved after a review of academic progress and financial need. For further information, contact our staff.

Community College Guidelines
Students that meet eligibility criteria and are enrolled at a participating community college are eligible for up to $1,000 in scholarship funds each academic year. Awards are made after enrollement in at least 6 credit hours per semester.
Community college students continuing in the university level are eligible for renewal at the university level if they enroll at a partner school. Students who have applied for their renewal will be prioritized when transferring to another partner school but may have to wait until the next academic year to receive funds.

University Guidelines
Students at the university level are awarded a maximum of $2,000 per year. Students who have previously obtained a bachelor’s degree, regardless of field, are not eligible for scholarship funds.
Eligibility Requirements
To be eligible for scholarship or the scholarship and loan program, all students must meet the following criteria:
1. Unmet Financial Need As Determined by Federal Guidelines (FAFSA)
2. Attend a partner school (see link below)
3. Arizona Resident
4. Full-Time Student Status (4-Year university)
or 6 Credit Hours (Community College)
Scholarships may be renewed if students continue to show financial need and maintain satifactory progress toward degree achievement. A progress review will be done each semester to verify the completion of credit hours and degree progress.